Use the table of values of f(x, y) to estimate the values of fx(3, 2), fx(3, 2.2), and fxy(3, 2).

Use The Table Of Values Of

table of x and y values

Figure 1

This problem aims to find the values of a function having alternate independent variables. A table is given to address the values of $x$ and $y$.

These formulas would be required to find the solution:

\[ f_x(x,y)=\lim_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f(x+h, y)-f(x,y)}{h}\]

\[ f_y(x,y)=\lim_{h\to 0}\dfrac{f(x, y+h)-f(x,y)}{h}\]

\[ f_{xy}=\dfrac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \right)=\dfrac{\partial}{\partial y}(f_x\]

Expert Answer:

Part a:

$f_x(3,2)$ $ f_x(x,y)=\lim_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f(x+h, y)-f(x,y)}{h} $ and considering $h=\pm 0.5$

\[ = \lim_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f(3 \pm 0.5, 2)-f(3,2)}{\pm 0.5}\]

Solving for $h=0.5$

\[ = \dfrac{f(3.5, 2)-f(3,2)}{0.5}\]

Using the table to plug in the functions values:

\[ = \dfrac{22.4-17.5}{0.5}\]

\[ =  9.8\]

Now solving for $h=-0.5$

\[ = \dfrac{f(2.5, 2)-f(3,2)}{-0.5}\]

Using the table to plug in the functions values:

\[ = \dfrac{10.2-17.5}{-0.5}\]

\[ =  14.6\]

Taking average of both $\pm 0.5$ answers for the final answer of $f_(3,2)$

\[ f_x(3,2)=\dfrac{9.8+14.6}{2}\]

\[ f_x(3,2)= 12.2\]

Part b:


\[ f_x(3,2.2)=\lim_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f(3 \pm 0.5, 2.2)-f(3,2.2)}{\pm 0.5} \]

Solving for $h=0.5$

\[ = \dfrac{f(3.5, 2.2)-f(3,2.2)}{0.5}\]

Using the table to plug in the functions values:

\[ = \dfrac{26.1-15.9}{0.5}\]

\[ = 20.4\]

Now solving for $h=-0.5$

\[ = \dfrac{f(2.5, 2.2)-f(3,2.2)}{-0.5}\]

Using the table to plug in the functions values:



Taking average of both $\pm 0.5$ answers for the final answer of $f_(3,2)$


\[f_x(3,2.2) = 16.8\]

Part c:


\[f_{xy}(x,y)=\dfrac{\partial}{\partial y}\left( \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\right)=\dfrac{\partial}{\partial y} (f_x)\]

\[=\lim_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f_x(x, y+h)-f_x(x,y)}{h}\]

\[f_{xy}(3,2)=\lim_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f_x(3, 2+h)-f_x(3,2)}{h}\]

Considering $h=\pm 0.2$

Solving for $h=0.2$

\[=\dfrac{f_x(3, 2.2)-f_x(3,2)}{0.2}\]

Plugging in the answers from part a and part b:



Now solving for $h=-0.2$

\[=\dfrac{f_x(3, 1.8)-f_x(3,2)}{-0.2}\]

Solving $f_x(3, 1.8)$ for $h=\pm 0.5$

Solving for $h=0.5$

\[f_x(3,1.8)=\lim_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f(3 \pm 0.5, 1.8)-f(3,1.8)}{\pm 0.5}\]

\[=\dfrac{f(3.5, 1.8)-f(3,1.8)}{0.5}\]

Using the table to plug in the functions values:


\[= 3.8 \]

Now solving for $h=-0.5$

\[= \dfrac{f(2.5, 1.8)-f(3,1.8)}{-0.5} \]

Using the table to plug in the functions values:

\[= \dfrac{12.5-18.1}{-0.5} \]

\[= 11.2 \]

Taking average of $\pm 0.5$ answers for the final answer of $f_x(3,1.8)$

\[f_x(3,1.8) = \dfrac{3.8+11.2}{2}\]

\[f_x(3,1.8) = 7.5\]

Substituting $f_x(3,1.8)$ in the main equation above to find $f_{xy}(3,2)$

$f_{xy}(3,2)$ for $h = -2$ becomes:

\[= \dfrac{f_x(3, 1.8)-f_x(3,2)}{-0.2} \]

Plugging in the values:

\[= \dfrac{7.5-12.2}{-0.2} \]

\[= \dfrac{7.5-12.2}{-0.2} \]

\[= 23.5 \]

Taking Average of $ h=\pm 0.2$ answers to find the final answer:

\[f_{xy}(3,2) = \dfrac{23+23.5}{2}\]

\[f_{xy}(3,2) = 23.25\]

Numerical Results:

Part a: $f_x(3,2) = 12.2$

Part b: $f_x(3,2.2) = 16.8$

Part c: $f_{xy}(3,2) = 23.25$


For the given table, find $f_y(2.5, 2)$.

\[  f_y(x,y) = \lim_{h \to 0} \dfrac{f(x, y+h)-f(x,y)}{h} \]

Plugging the values in:

\[  f_y(2.5,2) = \lim_{h \to 0} \dfrac{f(2.5, 2+h)-f(2.5,2)}{h} \]

Solving for $h = \pm 0.2$

For $h = 0.2$

\[  = \dfrac{f(2.5, 2.2)-f(2.5,2)}{0.2} \]

Using the table to plug in the function values:

\[= \dfrac{9.3 – 10.2}{0.2} \]

\[= -4.5 \]

Now solving for $h=-0.2$

\[= \dfrac{f(2.5, 1.8)-f(2.5,2)}{-0.2} \]

Using the table to plug in the functions values:

\[= \dfrac{12.5-10.2}{-0.2} \]

\[= – 11.5 \]

Taking average of $\pm 0.5$ answers for the final answer of $f_y(2.5,2)$:

\[f_y(2.5,2) = \dfrac{-4.5-11.5}{2}\]

\[f_y(2.5,2) = -8\]

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