Blood Alcohol Content Calculator + Online Solver With Free Steps
The Blood Alcohol Content Calculator is used to calculate the measure of alcohol content in the blood of a human being. It also has a marked limit which is the legal limit for alcohol consumption.The calculator also identifies whether the person has consumed alcohol within the legal limit or not. It works as an alcohol detector and is used for people driving in the United States. The calculator takes specific parameters of the person as input and outputs the blood alcohol percentage in the person’s body.The calculator also shows a time plot which shows how many drinks the person has taken to reach a certain blood alcohol content and how much time the person has taken to get the alcohol limit.The blood alcohol content is taken in percentage, and the time passed is taken in hours.
What Is a Blood Alcohol Content Calculator?
The Blood Alcohol Content Calculator is an online tool used to calculate the percentage content of alcohol in the blood of a person.It also identifies how much time the person has passed from crossing the legal limit of alcohol consumption in the United States.The calculator also displays the legal limit of alcohol in the United States and compares the output alcohol percentage.How To Use the Blood Alcohol Content Calculator
The user can use the Blood Alcohol Content Calculator by following the steps given below.Step 1
The user must first enter the gender of the person whose alcohol consumption is being checked. It should be entered in the block labeled as “gender.”By pressing the downward arrow in the gender input block, the calculator shows two options “male” and “female.” The user must select one to enter the gender of the investigated person.For the default example, the gender of the person who is being tested is female.Step 2
The user must now enter the weight of the person who is being tested for alcohol blood consumption. It should be entered in the block titled “Weight” in the input window of the calculator.The weight entered should be in pounds “lb,” as it is set by default in the calculator. The weight of the female in the default example is 135 pounds.Step 3
The user must now enter the height of the person whose alcohol levels are being examined. It should be entered in the block labeled “height” in the calculator’s input window.The height is measured in feet and inches. For the default example, the height of the female is 5 feet and 6 inches.Step 4
The user must now enter the number of drinks consumed by the person. It should be entered in the “the number of drinks” block.The calculator takes the number of drinks as 6 for the default example.Step 5
The user must now enter the number of hours for the person when he had the number of drinks mentioned above. It should be entered in the block labeled “hours.”For the default example, the number of hours is 4.Step 6
After entering all the input data, the user must now press the “Submit” button for the calculator to output the blood alcohol consumption of the person under investigation.Output
The calculator displays the output in the three windows given below.Input Information
The calculator interprets the input and shows all the input information in this window. The calculator shows the number of drinks, gender, body weight, height, and time in this output window.Estimated Result
The calculator shows the final result in this window. It calculates the blood alcohol percentage of the specified person and displays the result. It also shows the legal driving limit of alcohol in the United States and compares the result.For the default example, the blood alcohol percentage comes out to be 0.2%. The legal driving limit for alcohol is 0.08%, and the time taken to reach the 0.08% threshold is 9 hours and 30 minutes.Time Plot
The calculator also displays the time plot, which has time on the x-axis and blood alcohol percentage on the y-axis.The graph shows declining lines, which show the intensity of alcohol decreases with time.For the default example, the calculator shows three declining lines with five, six, and seven drinks, respectively.The graph highlights the point where the blood alcohol percentage is 0.2% and the time is 4 hours.Solved Example
The following example is solved through the Blood Alcohol Content Calculator.Example 1
Calculate the blood alcohol percentage of a male with a height of 5 feet 9 inches and a weight of 153 pounds. He has had eight drinks in the past 6 hours.Also, find how much time the person takes to reach the legal alcohol driving limit in the United States.Solution
The user must first enter all the physical parameters required by the calculator in the input window.The gender, weight, height, number of drinks, and hours are entered in the calculator’s input window as given below.Gender = Male
Weight = 153
Height = 5’ 9’’
Number of Drinks = 8
Hours = 6
The user must now press the button “Submit” for the calculator to compute the blood alcohol percentage for the specific parameters.The calculator opens the output window, where the first is the Input Information window. This window shows all the input values for the user to check the input data.The Estimated Result shows the blood alcohol percentage to be 0.16%.The legal driving limit in the United States is 0.08%, and the total time taken to reach this threshold for this example is 9 hours and 50 minutes.The calculator also displays the time plot, which shows the point of blood alcohol percentage to be 0.16% and the time to be 6 hours. It is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1