2 Step Equation Calculator + Online Solver With Free Steps

A 2-step equation calculator is an algebraic problem solver that only needs two steps to complete the task. The solution of two-step equations is straightforward. Two-step equations can be solved in exactly two steps as the name implies.

These equations are slightly more challenging than one-step equations. We must carry out the operation on both sides of the equals to sign when solving a two-step equation.

In general, when solving an equation, we constantly bear in mind that the equation must remain balanced, thus whatever operations that are performed on one side of the equation should also be performed on the opposite side.

A 2-step equation is said to be fully solved if the variable, which is typically represented by a letter of the alphabet, is isolated on one side of the equation (either the left or right side), and the number is found on the other side.

2 step equation calculator

What Is a 2-Step Equation Calculator?

The two-step equations calculator is an online solver that aids in determining the value of the variable in a given linear equation.

The Online Two-Step Equations Calculator allows you to quickly determine the variable value for a given equation.

An equation written in one variable, two variables, or more is referred to as a linear equation. The variable and a constant will be linearly combined in this equation. Another name for this is a one-degree equation.

A linear equation with one variable has the conventional form Ax + B = 0.

How To Use a 2-Step Equation Calculator

You can use the 2 Step Calculator by following the given detailed step-by-step instructions, and the calculator will provide you with the correct results. You can follow the instructions below to get the value of the variable for the given equation.

Step 1

Fill in the provided input boxes with the coefficients of A, B, and C.

Step 2

Click on the “SUBMIT” button to determine the value of the variable for a given equation and also the whole step-by-step solution for the 2-step equation will be displayed.

As we have mentioned in the article that this calculator can only solve a linear equation with one variable. Multivariable equations like quadratic equations can not be solved using this calculator.

How Does 2 Step Equation Calculator Work?

The 2-Step Calculator works by providing a simplified solution to the problem at hand. It only takes two steps to solve two-step equations using 2 Step Calculator. The two-step equation has one variable and is linear. We must carry out exact similar operations on both sides of the equation when computing a two-step problem. To calculate the value of x or variable on one side of the equation, we separate it.

Two-step equations typically have the formula ax + b = c, where a, b, and c are all real values.

Here are a few instances of two-step equations:

5x + 8 = 18

0.5y + 5 = 5.5

$\frac{4}{3}$ . z – 12 = 0

Depending on the sequence of operations, there are many methods for solving two-step equations. In a two-step equation, the following steps are the most typical case:

  1. First, get rid of addition and subtraction by adding or removing from both sides.
  2. To isolate the variable, multiply and divide on both sides.
  3. By replacing the variable’s value, you may verify the result.

Sometimes it may be required to multiply or divide all sides of an equation before adding or subtracting.

Typically, when solving an equation, we follow the Law of Equations, which states that for an equation to stay balanced, whatever needs to be done on the right-hand side (RHS) of an equation must also be done on the left-hand side (LHS).

Golden Rule To Solve 2 Step Equations

The main principle for solving two-step equations is to carry out all operations on both sides of the problem at once.

The final solution of the two-step equation is obtained by first adding or subtracting on both sides of the equation, followed by multiplying or dividing into both sides, to isolate the variable on one side of the equation and ascertain its value.

Important Notes on 2-Step Equations

  1. To make the two-step equation simpler on either side, remove the parentheses and group like terms together.
  2. Always start with removing the constant by the appropriate amount, either by adding or subtracting.
  3. Always double-check the result at the end.

Solved Examples

Let’s explore some examples to have a clearer understanding of how the 2-step calculator works.

Example 1

Determine the solution of the two step equation $\frac{x}{6}$ – 7 = 11.


To solve this problem, keep in mind that the goal is to determine the value of the variable that makes the expression an identity.

This is accomplished by taking away terms and numbers up until the equation is reduced to the form x equals a number.

To solve the above two-step equation, the steps discussed in the article will be used.

Step 1

Adding 7 on both sides of the given two-step equation

$\frac{x}{6}$ – 7 + 7 = 11 + 7

$\Rightarrow \frac{x}{6}$ = 18

Step 2

Multiplying 6 on both sides of the equation.

6 x $\frac{x}{6}$ = 6 x 18

$\Rightarrow$ x = 108


Hence the solution to the given two step equation $\frac{x}{6}$ – 7 = 11 is x = 108.

Cross Check

It’s usually a good idea to double-check the answer once a solution is finished to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes. Take the original equation and substitute the value you discovered for x to see if your solution is correct. Make sure the values on both sides of the equation match up after that. For the equation we just solved, let’s give that a try:

Substituting the value of x in the given equation.

\[\frac{x}{6} – 7 = 11 \Rightarrow x = 108\]

\[\frac{108}{6} – 7 = 11\]

\[\frac{108}{6} – 7 = 11\]

11 = 11

This is a true statement that demonstrates the equality of the expression on both sides of the equation. As a result, the equation’s answer is x = 108.

Example 2

Determine the solution of the two step equation \[\frac{2}{3}\cdot z + 0.8 = 1.5\]


To solve this problem the goal is the same as in example 1 i.e., to determine the value of the variable that makes the expression an identity.

This goal will be achieved by taking adding and subtracting terms until the equation is reduced to the form z equals a number.

To solve the above two-step equation, the steps discussed in the article will be used.

Step 1

Subtracting 0.8 from both sides of the equation.

$\frac{2}{3}$ . z + 0.8 – 0.8 = 1.5 – 0.8

$\Rightarrow \frac{2}{3}$ . z = 0.7

Step 2

Multiplying $\frac{3}{2}$ on both sides of the equation.

\[\frac{3}{2} \cdot \frac{2}{3}\cdot z  = \frac{3}{2} \times 0.7\]

$\Rightarrow$ z = 1.05


As a result, the answer to the provided two-step problem $\frac{2}{3}$ . z  + 0.8 = 1.5 is  z = 1.05

Cross Check

Substituting the value of z in the given equation.

\[\frac{2}{3}\cdot z + 0.8 = 1.5\]

\[\frac{2}{3}\cdot z + 0.8 = 1.5  \Rightarrow z = 1.05\]

\[\frac{2}{3}\cdot 1.05 + 0.8 = 1.5\]

0.7 + 0.8 = 1.5

1.5 = 1.5

This is a true statement demonstrating the equality of the expression on both sides of the equation. As a result, the equation’s answer is z = 1.05.

Example 3

Determine the solution of the two step equation 0.5y + 5 = 5.5.


To solve the above two step equation, steps discussed in the article will be used.

Step 1

Subtracting 5 from both sides of the equation.

0.5y + 5 -5 = 5.5 – 5 $\Rightarrow $ 0.5y= 0.5

Step 2

Dividing 0.5 on both sides of the equation.

\[\frac{0.5y}{0.5} = \frac{0.5}{0.5} \]

$\Rightarrow$ y = 1 


As a result, the answer to the provided two-step 0.5y + 5 = 5.5 is  y = 1

Cross Check

Substituting the value of y in the given equation.

0.5y + 5 = 5.5

0.5y + 5 = 5.5 $\Rightarrow$ y = 1 

0.5 x 1+5 =5.5

0.5 + 5.0 = 5.5

5.5 = 5.5

This is a true statement demonstrating the equality of the expression on both sides of the equation. As a result, the equation’s answer is y = 1.

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