Factors of 288: Prime Factorization, Methods, and Examples

The factors of 288 are defined as numbers that divide the given number 288 exactly. Factors are the constituent part of the number. The factors of the number 

Factors Of 288

288 can be positive as well as negative provided that the given number is achieved upon multiplication of two-factor integers.

Factors of 288

Here are the factors of number 288.

Factors of 288: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 36, 48, 72, 96, 144, 288

Negative Factors of 288

The negative factors of 288 are similar to its positive factors, just with a negative sign.

Negative Factors of 288: -1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -8, -9, -12, -16, -18, -24, -32, -36, -48, -72, -96, -144, and -288

Prime Factorization of 288

The prime factorization of 288 is the way of expressing its prime factors in the product form.

Prime Factorization: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3

In this article, we will learn about the factors of 288 and how to find them using various techniques such as upside-down division, prime factorization, and factor tree.

What Are the Factors of 288?

The factors of 288 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 36, 48, 72, 96, 144, and 288. All of these numbers are the factors as they do not leave any remainder when divided by 288.

The factors of 288 are classified as prime numbers and composite numbers. The prime factors of the number 288 can be determined using the technique of prime factorization.

How To Find the Factors of 288?

You can find the factors of 288 by using the rules of divisibility. The divisibility rule states that any number, when divided by any other natural number, is said to be divisible by the number if the quotient is the whole number and the resulting remainder is zero.

To find the factors of 288, create a list containing the numbers that are exactly divisible by 288 with zero remainders. One important thing to note is that 1 and 288 are the 288’s factors as every natural number has 1 and the number itself as its factor.

1 is also called the universal factor of every number. The factors of 288 are determined as follows:

\[\dfrac{288}{1} = 288\]

\[\dfrac{288}{2} = 144\]

\[\dfrac{288}{3} = 96\]

\[\dfrac{288}{4} = 72\]

\[\dfrac{288}{6} = 48\]

\[\dfrac{288}{8} = 36\]

\[\dfrac{288}{288} = 1\]

Therefore, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 36, 48, 72, 96, 144, and 288 are the factors of 288.

Total Number of Factors of 288

For 288 there are 18 positive factors and 18 negative ones. So in total, there are 36 factors of 288. 

To find the total number of factors of the given number, follow the procedure mentioned below:

  1. Find the prime factorization of the given number.
  2. Demonstrate the prime factorization of the number in the form of exponent form.
  3. Add 1 to each of the exponents of the prime factor.
  4. Now, multiply the resulting exponents together. This obtained product is equivalent to the total number of factors of the given number.

By following this procedure the total number of factors of 288 is given as:

Factorization of 288 is 1 x $2^{5}$ x $3^{2}$.

The exponent of factors 1, 2, and 3 is 1, 5, and 2 respectively.

Adding 1 to each and multiplying them together results in 36.

Therefore, the total number of factors of 288 is 36. 18 are positive and 18 factors are negative.

Important Notes

Here are some important points that must be considered while finding the factors of any given number:

  • The factor of any given number must be a whole number.
  • The factors of the number cannot be in the form of decimals or fractions.
  • Factors can be positive as well as negative.
  • Negative factors are the additive inverse of the positive factors of a given number.
  • The factor of a number cannot be greater than that number.
  • Every even number has 2 as its prime factor, the smallest prime factor.

Factors of 288 by Prime Factorization

The number 288 is a composite number. Prime factorization is a useful technique for finding the number’s prime factors and expressing the number as the product of its prime factors.prime factorization of 288

Before finding the factors of 288 using prime factorization, let us find out what prime factors are. Prime factors are the factors of any given number that are only divisible by 1 and themselves.

To start the prime factorization of 288, start dividing by its smallest prime factor. First, determine that the given number is either even or odd. If it is an even number, then 2 will be the smallest prime factor.

Continue splitting the quotient obtained until 1 is received as the quotient. The prime factorization of 288 can be expressed as:

288 = $2^{5}$ x $3^{2}$

Factors of 288 in Pairs

The factor pairs are the duplet of numbers that when multiplied together result in the factorized number. Factor pairs can be more than one depending on the total number of factors of the given numbers.Factors of 288 in Pairs

For 288, the factor pairs can be found as:

1 x 288 = 288

2 x 144 = 288 

3 x 96 = 288

4 x 72 = 288

6 x 48 = 288

8 x 36 = 288

9 x 32 = 288

12 x 24 = 288

16 x 18 = 288

The possible factor pairs of 288 are given as (1, 288), (2, 144), (3, 96), (4, 72),(6, 48), (8, 36), (9, 32), (12, 24) and (16, 18).

All these numbers in pairs, when multiplied, give 288 as the product.

The negative factor pairs of 288 are given as:

-1 x -288 = 288

-2 x -144 = 288 

-3 x -96 = 288

-4 x -72 = 288

-6 x -48 = 288

-8 x -36 = 288

-9 x -32 = 288

-12 x -24 = 288

-16 x -18 = 288

It is important to note that in negative factor pairs, the minus sign has been multiplied by the minus sign due to which the resulting product is the original positive number. Therefore, -1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -8, -9, -12, -16, -18, -24, -32, -36, -48, -72, -96, -144, and -288 are called negative factors of 288.

The list of all the factors of 288 including positive as well as negative numbers is given below.

Factor list of 288: 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 6, -6, 8, -8, 9, -9, 12, -12, 16, -16, 18, -18, 24, -24, 32, -32, 36, -36, 48, -48, 72, -72, 96, -96, 144, -144, 288, and -288

Factors of 288 Solved Examples

To better understand the concept of factors, let’s solve some examples.

Example 1

How many factors of 288 are there?


The total number of Factors of 288 is 18.

Factors of 288 are -1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -8, -9, -12, -16, -18, -24, -32, -36, -48, -72, -96, -144, and 288.

Example 2

Find the factors of 288 using prime factorization.


The prime factorization of 288 is given as:

288 $\div$ 2 = 144

144 $\div$ 2 = 72 

72 $\div$ 2 = 36 

 36 $\div$ 2 = 18 

18 $\div$ 2 = 9 

9 $\div$ 3 = 3

 3 $\div$ 3 = 1 

So the prime factorization of 288 can be written as:

$2^{5}$ x $3^{2}$ = 288